This makes it official.
The City of Church Hill has put up a sign announcing the garden. Since the last post. the site has been tilled and is awaiting one more massage before we start the construction of the raised beds. Samples have been taken for the soil tests and sent for analysis. The soil appears to be good loam. The Mayor says it is "Good Hawkins County Soil." Prior to purchase by the City the property was kept in pasture for many years.

The materials were ordered on April 15 from Builders Supply in Church Hill. We are also grateful to them for the discount they provided.
Marie Keith from the Community Clothes Closet is shown helping determine the materials for the raised beds. Other donors have contributed seeds packages, okra seed, and seed potatoes.
We have received support from the Church Hill Volunteer High School FFA. With their support, we will be quickly assembling the raised beds, placing them in position and filling with soil from the pathways. In the next couple of days we hope to schedule a work day to "git r dun"
With the materials we have purchased, we will be able to complete almost 50% of our long term goals for the site. To our knowledge, the community garden is the First in Hawkins County. The response of the Center members and our Community has far exceeded even the wildest expectations. We will continue to develop our plans with enthusiasm and optimism for the future. From dirt to dinner looks much closer today.