Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Assistance on all fronts


Yesterday was one for seeking and receiving assistance.

1. Tennessee Master Gardeners I talked to Doug Hilton. He is the coordinator for the program. We have been assigned a MG for our project. She will meet with us on Thursday Mar 17, 11:00. at the Senior Center

2. Jean Cope, garden columnist for the Kingsport Times News, suggested that I contact the newspaper since she felt they would consider the garden newsworthy. I talked with their news editor. She is arranging to have a photographer and reporter come out to Church Hill to cover the story. I assured them that publishing a photograph of me would in no way increase circulation of the paper and could result in cancelled subscriptions. I also called the Mayor and Public Works Director to see if we could coordinate the pix and plowing. With great reluctance, the Mayor agreed to be available for the pictures and story.

3. James Newburn from the UT will be speaking on Community Gardens in Kingsport later this month. I have contacted him to see what ideas he can contribute to our project.

4. I visited the raised gardens of Master Gardener Ben Hunter. He has a wonderful setup at his house. I will take pictures and upload to the blog later this week. He also showed me his composting method.. It goes from the raw materials to completed compost in 3 months.

5. I am actively discouraging the City to till a huge plot for us. I have developed a site plan and scanned the plot, but have not been able to upload to the blog. It looks like expanding the garden to this size could take two or three years. Each raised bed will cost about $40.00 for the treated lumber. There will be some additional cost to make the compost bins. The garden must have a good appearance since it is on Main Street. I think if the initial plot is 40' x 40' it will be manageable

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian,
    Your blog is great and I'm going to enjoy keeping up with your Church Hill garden through it. Can you tell me please when and where James Newburn will be speaking? I'd like to go hear him if I could.
    Thanks, Sam Jones, coordinator, Carver Community Garden
