Thursday, December 2, 2010

Season Statistics

This is the point where we compute the statistics and start evaluating the 2010 garden.  There is some Kale and Turnip greens that will survive the typical Tri-Cities winter. So there will be some additional items to add to the production for this year.  But for all real purposes This Is IT!

 Crop                   Pounds or Units                        

Beans 20.25
cantaloupe 7.00
corn 112.00
corn stalks 47.00
cucumbers 113.00
cushaw 229.50
eggplant 1.00
feed corn 21.50
floral arrangements 34.00
kale 1.00
lettuce 1.00
mustard greens 26.50
okra 17.50
peppers 22.50
plum granny 7.50
puff ball 2.00
radish 19.00
spaghetti squash 39.25
sunflower heads 103.00
tomatoes 162.50
turnip greens 6.75
watermelon 21.50
winter squash 11.00
yellow squash 61.75
zucchini 53.00


In addition we have about 250 cubic feet of compost in process.  This is comprised of 14 truck loads of  shredded leaves and horse manure.  The big central compost bin holds 120 cubic feet and the 10 wire tomato cages have a total of 105 cubic feet of material.  There was one bed that was empty, so it was filled with the same material.  This would be another 25 cubic feet of material. 

In the Spring, there should be enough compost to fill all the existing beds to the top.  We limped along with the basic soil fertility( as found) and only had about 50 cubic feet of compost for soil amendment. With enough strong backs next year, we can do an instant replay and fill the big bin again for some compost to use in the fall and to fill any additional beds that are constructed.  We still have a good supply of leaves that will be available and there should be large amounts of horse manure available by Spring.

The Garden Evaluation meeting will be held December 9th.  Many of those invited have responded positively.  We are hoping for a good turnout and a productive session.  A letter has been prepared asking First Utility District to donate a water connection and water to use for the 2011 season.  We shall see.

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