Sunday, May 9, 2010

Placing the Boxes to create Raised Bed framework

We have had several work days with assistance from the Church Hill Volunteer High School FFA Students. Steve Hutson and students are shown constructing the Boxes for the Garden 

The piled up several to help in the building of multiple boxes of the same size.  There are three different size raised beds that are needed for the garden.  The basic size is a 4'x8' box.  Three  4'x12' were built.  There were also, Four 4'x4' boxes made. 

Marcia Vandermause is on of the two Master Gardeners that is assisting with our project.  She is contemplating the placement of the boxes.  We have developed a plot diagram that shows the current and future implementation of the site. 

The beds were moved to the garden and positioned.  We laid the framework down to outline the shape, then dug the frame down several inches.  The soil that was removed was placed in the inside of the frame.  This gives some soil depth inside the raised bed.  This is an interim step in the soil building process.  Compost will be made at  the site and will be used to augment and improve the original soil form the former pasture. 

The posts for the compost bin were transported to the holes.  The City of Church Hill thankfully dig the post holes, saving us a big effort to do this by hand.  A bit later, the posts were cemented in place and the framework of the compost bin was built.  There are three bins contemplated as the plan is fully implemented. 

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